
Enthusiastic about combining my passion for web development and IT security, I have a real passion for creating sites, computer networks and their crucial role in security, by implementing various languages such as PHP, Python, Java and many others. My approach is characterized by rigor, sociability and unwavering motivation. I am convinced that I can easily fit into a team, where I would be happy to collaborate and learn even more.




This is a multipage website of a fictitious car rental company using React App. Also made with a mix of Tailwind CSS and the use of components and assets such as SVG.

What I Learned

  • Build a React App from scratch
  • The use of TailwindCSS
  • Layout and screen size

Service Website

This two-pages website is about a fictional tech company built with HTML and CSS. This project helps me to become more comfortable with Bootstrap, CSS skills as flexbox and media queries

What I Learned

  • Getting more familiar with the positionnement
  • Responsive design features


A website to manage restaurant data, create a member account and view information, your menus. A login page to connect and make his own changes

What I Learned

  • Manage databases
  • Select, update, delete data with SQL
  • Sharpen my Php Skills
